Σάββατο 16 Μαΐου 2020

Από την σειρά The Haunting of Hill House - ένα φάντασμα απαγγέλει

Από την σειρά "The Haunting of Hill House" μία από τις αγαπημένες μου σειρές  είναι η σκηνή όπου ένα από τα φαντάσματα, η Poppy Hill απαγγέλει στον Hugh Crain το ίδιο τραγουδάκι που έλεγε στα παιδιά της όταν τα έβαζε για ύπνο.από το 10ο Επισόδιο


The first was young Miss Grattan
She tried not to let him in
He stabbed her with a corn knife
That's how his crimes begin

The next was Grandma Grattan
So old and tired and gray
She f'it off her attacker
Until his strength gave way

The next was Grandpa Grattan
A-settin' by the fire
He came up close behind him
And strangled him with wire

The last was Baby Grattan
All in his trundle bed
He stove him in the short ribs
Until that child was dead
And then he spit tobacco juice
All on his golden head

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